Associated member
Name of the organisation: Administrația Națională „Apele Române”
Country: Romania
Number of members:
Stakeholders in board:
ANAR is a public institution of national interest, with legal personality which manages the waters of the state public domain and the infrastructure of the National System of Water Management (reservoirs, flood protection dykes, canals, inter basin derivations, water intakes and other works).
ANAR operates on the basis of management and economic autonomy, under coordination of the central public authority for water – Ministry of Waters and Forests.
ANAR implements the polices and strategy of quantitative and qualitative management of water resources at national level. NARW’s structure includes 11 River Basin Administrations (with legal personality) structured into 41 Water Management Systems (without legal personality), the National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management (with legal personality), and the Stânca- Costești Complex Exploitation.
ANAR has responsible for: flood protection through water management works, management and operation of surface and groundwater resources, unified management of water resources and sustainable development of water resources, and performing the tasks resulting from the implementation of international treaties on waters including the elaboration of the River Basin Management Plans and of the Flood Risk Management Plans under the Water Framework Directive.
Website Administrația Națională „Apele Române”