Name of the organisation: Federação nacional de regantes de Portugal (FENAREG)
Country: Portugal
Number of members: 28 Irrigation Associations covering 135.000 ha (76% of public irrigation)
Stakeholders in board: Landowners’ organizations
Tasks: Defend and promote the development of the irrigation sector, specifically the irrigation communities, develop the national economy, efficient water and energy use, and sustainable development
Financing: Fees per area benefitting from irrigation
FENAREG is a nationwide organization, founded in 2005, which aims to bring together the interests of stakeholders in activities related to water and water management and the agriculture and rural communities. FENAREG is a non-profit private association.
Their mission is to contribute to development of national economy and in particular the water sector, to protect and develop irrigation in general and irrigation projects in particular, to represent the sector to the authorities on matters relating to national and international water resource management, to cooperate with official bodies in planning, developing, implementing and operating irrigation projects, to ensure representation of voluntary organizations and the private sector, to study, promote and defend the interests of the water sector, to coordinate activities of common interest for the water sector, and to organize and maintain services to support technical and functional management activities and interests of the water sector.
Website Federação nacional de regantes de Portugal (FENAREG)
FENAREG assumed the EUWMA Presidency 2015-2016. The ceremony took place in Lisbon during the annual meeting of EUWMA on September 7th and 8th.