Climate adaptation
Climate change causes a detrimental risk for the future of all citizens of the European Union, a proof of that is the great impact of climate change on local water management EUWMA members are experiencing on. Although the effects and impacts of climate change differ throughout Europe, the weather patterns and temperatures definitely changed significantly. Urgent climate action is needed to avoid accelerating changes in weather patterns. Droughts and heatwaves have become more and more frequent, temperature rise modifying seasonality and plant growth patterns, and drought is more and more frequently followed by disastrous extreme rainfall. With as an important result that, all too often, too little or too much water, sometimes in a short amount of time, causes great challenges for good water management.
It is not only needed to take measures that reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we also have to adapt to the already changing climate. Water management practices and infrastructure that were effective in the past will not always be effective and resilient under future climate conditions. Climate adaptation measures are therefore also essential for water boards, all over the European Union. EUWMA members, and their local water boards, pose valuable knowledge and expertise in order to enhance climate resilience. The EU Adaptation Strategy is a promising instrument and vision document to increase climate adaptation in the European Union. EUWMA is fully committed to contributing to the realization of its goals. Real measures need to be taken in local environments. By doing so, they will wherever possible, certainly also search for a connection between adaptation and mitigation. EUWMA and its members are key strategic partners for the transition to a climate-resilient Europe.
EUWMA declaration: Climate adaptation in local water management