Name of the organisation: Federacion Nacional de Communidades de Regantes de España (FENACORE)
Country: Spain
Number of members: over 400 irrigators’ communities
Stakeholders in board: Landowners
Tasks: Defend and promote the development of the irrigation sector, develop the national economy, efficient water and energy use, and sustainable development
Financing: Fees per hectare benefitting from irrigation
FENACORE is a non-profit association, founded in 1955, which brings together organisations dedicated to water management for irrigation, from surface or groundwater.
FENACORE aims to combine the efforts and work of all those who work in the Spanish irrigation sector to defend their legitimate interests and rights to use water. It was involved in drafting the Spanish Water Act and its associated regulations, the National Hydrological Plan, and the National Irrigation Plan.
The federation was also involved in reforming the regulations of the Spanish Water Act in relation to water prices, drafting the Hydrological Planning Instruction, the exemption of reservoir taxes and the electrical tax for irrigation and promoting the Water Framework Directive in Integrated Water Resources Management in river basins.
Website Federacion Nacional de Communidades de Regantes de España (FENACORE)