Name of the organisation: ASA de France (Association nationale des associations syndicales de propriétaires)
Country: France
Stakeholders in board: Landowners (Private and Public)
Tasks: Water quantity: Irrigation and Water level management, flood defence, infrastructure maintenance
Financing: Local taxes, national and regional government and EU grants
Created in 2014, ‘ASA de France’ is the umbrella organisation of french water boards organised as ‘ASA’ (Associations Syndicales Autorisées).
The regulations governing these water authorities are laid down in the Order of 1 July 2004 and the Decree of 3 May 2006, which have replaced the 1865 law and its application decree. Water authorities have to act according to the environmental code for water management, updated in late 2006.
Depending on the region, the ASAs are responsible for managing excess water, river management, irrigation, drinking water and erosion control in vineyard areas.
Of the 9,000 ASAs around the country, 3,600 are water boards. The others are responsible for other activities, such as road and infrastructure in forests and open countryside.
More than 1.200 ASAs, known as ‘wateringues’ or ‘syndicat de marais’ have to manage excess water. 200 ASAs are responsible for riverbank maintenance. 50 ASAs construct and maintain erosion and flood control works in vineyard areas. Around 2.000 ASAs manage irrigation, half of them with gravitation canals, the other half with pumping stations and a network of pipes and tubes. 140 ASAs operate a drinking water network.
Website ASA de France