Name of the organisation: Vízgazdálkodási Társulatok Országos Szövetsége (VTOSZ)
Country: Hungary
Number of members: 82
Stakeholders in board: Farmers, municipalities, cooperatives
Tasks: Water quantity, flood defence, irrigation, drainage, maintenance
Financing: Taxation, fees (drinking water, wastewater treatment)
The VTOSZ was established in 1992. It functions as a spokesman, service provider and employers’ federation for its members. The members of the VTOSZ cover the whole country.
Currently, members of the regional water authorities are farmers, municipalities and cooperatives. They pay a fee for the services delivered by the water board. In addition, the Ministry of Agriculture subsidizes the board. A major challenge is to make the water boards self-financing. Due to huge changes in property rights in the past, when land was given back to the original inhabitants by the state, a lot of land has not yet been claimed. Water boards are therefore not able to derive income from these lands.
In total, there are 82 regional water authorities in Hungary. Their legal status is described in the 1995 Water Act.
Website Vízgazdálkodási Társulatok Országos Szövetsége (VTOSZ)