Name of the organisation: Associazione Nazionale Bonifiche Irrigazioni (ANBI)
Country: Italy
Number of members: 150 Consortia, 17.6 million hectares
Stakeholders in board: Property owners (farms, buildings, industries, etc.), municipalities
Tasks: Irrigation, drainage, flood defence, environmental protection, maintenance
Financing: Fees, based on services received
Almost all drainage and irrigation boards (‘Consorzi di bonifica e irrigazione’) in Italy are members of National Association of Consortia (‘Associazione Nazionale Bonifiche Irrigazioni’). ANBI safeguards the interests of the Consortia at international, national and local level.
ANBI represents the Consortia’s interests in relation to the Italian government and parliament, and monitors proposals for legislation affecting them and their activities.
ANBI advises the Consortia on legal, technical, fiscal, environmental, communication issues, etc. It also publishes a weekly newsletter and information and reports on the activities of the Consortia, and organises national and international conferences and workshops on drainage and irrigation. ANBI is an association, with private legal status.